Authors are invited to submit an abstract in English for each paper they wish to present.
Abstracts must be sent via the online module. Abstracts not submitted online, sent by e-mail, fax or mail will not be taken into consideration.
Abstract submission deadline is
To make changes on the papers after submission deadline , please contact the Symposium Secretariat
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Studies on symposium topics are accepted as oral or poster presentations to the The 5th International Non-Wood Forest Products Symposium
Make sure that the e-mail address on your abstract form is correct. The Symposium Secretariat will use the e-mail address provided to contact you.
For the accepted abstract to be valid, the presenter author must complete the registration process for the symposium.
Change and correction requests will be made via e-mail if requested.
Preparation of the Abstract Text
Abstracts should be prepared in English.
Presentations can be made as oral or poster presentations. However, the Scientific Committee may change the type of presentation depending on the scientific program and the content of the paper.
The abstract should include the title, author names and affiliated institutions.
Please avoid using abbreviations in the title.
The abstract text should be between 150-300 words.
The abstract should contain sufficient information about the study.
Pictures, tables or graphics should not be added to the abstracts.
3 to 5 keywords not present in the title should be given along with the abstract.
For all your questions regarding abstract submission, please contact the Symposium Secretariat